From there, though, it got harder, and when it was Sonam’s time to answer again, she threw out “horse.” Needless to say, Steve officially lost it. You couldn’t tell me a dog was going to be up there.”.After Neel correctly guessed “lion” and Shilpa replied, “Sparrow,” Steve threw up his hands and shouted, “Why not?!”.Weinstein was cleared of the two most serious charges of predatory sexual assault.“Dog is on the d-n board! I’m done,” Steve joked. He then instructed Neel to “say whatever you want to say,” joking that “it’s wide open now. It was then Sonam’s turn to answer, and she said, “Dog.” When the board awarded five points to the Shah family for the guess, Steve looked dumbfounded. Steve Harvey couldn’t hide how he was feeling during one particular round of.Harvey Weinstein has been immediately jailed after being found guilty of sexual assaults.(CNN).Harvey Weinstein.įamily Feud.this week.The Hollywood producer was convicted of sexual assault in the first degree and third-degree rape at his trial in New York City.In a matchup between the Sonne and Shah families, Steve tasked the two groups with naming animals that “women actually like being compared to.” Right off the bat, Nisha from the Shah family responded, “Cat,” which gave them a chance to earn some serious points. In a matchup between the Sonne and Shah families, Steve tasked the two groups with naming animals that “women actually like being compared to. Here's how Steve's fans reacted to the clip. TV host and Facebook Watch star Steve Harvey walked off the set of 'Family Feud' this week after one answer answer appeared on the board.