
Wolf girl and you uncensored patch
Wolf girl and you uncensored patch

wolf girl and you uncensored patch wolf girl and you uncensored patch

So what do you call a tamer version of a wolf girl? Well, a girl who has "dog" features instead (actually, no, there is no such thing as a completely tame wolf girl). Since dogs are technically descended from wolves, we're going to cheat a little and include her on this list. Canine by day and human again only by night, by way of some magic chocolate she ate by accident (it happens), Inukai IS adorable. Dog or wolf, her adorableness easily earns her a scratch behind the ears.ħ: Millhiore Firianno Biscotti from Dog Days Score 7.21, MAL Ranking 2597 | Aired Spring 2011 | Produced by Seven Arcs Actually, it's a credit to the animators here that even when she looks like a dog she can still express herself in a very human way.

wolf girl and you uncensored patch

Yes, it's another dog (technically) but she is just too cute! She's PINK! And a princess. She's the sort of princess beloved by her people, but she's also the owner of the Holy Sword Excelide, which means like all good wolf (or dog) girls, she can hold her own in battle well enough (though even in armor, she's still pretty cute).Ħ: Yonaga from Luger Code 1951 Score 6.41, MAL Ranking 5580 | Aired Octo| Produced by Studio Deen Well, okay, Biscotti is only her surname, but her first name does mean "million flowers", and that's equally adorable. Halfway through the list, and here we have our one and only true werewolf on this list of wolf girls. True, she comes from a little-known, single-episode ONA, but still, as far as being a mix between cute and fierce, Yonaga pulls it out perfectly. WOLF GIRL WITH YOU UNCENSORED PATCH CODE.

Wolf girl and you uncensored patch