
Java project library management system
Java project library management system

java project library management system

Faculty- An admin can also fetch the data related o faculties like their name, id no., their contact details and many more.All the information related to issued books to that students will be provided to an admin. When you select this section you need to enter the students id to fetch the details from the database. Students- In this section an admin can view all the details related to students in an organization.We can also add, remove students and faculties from the database. Through this functions an admin can keep, fetch all the data at just one platform. Admin- This feature consists of following functions like view/add books, view/add students, view add faculty, view/add member, issue books, return books, view all issue books, view all return books.The model type of this software is individual/personal which makes it more reliable and the technology which is used in developing this software is SWING and MYSQL. This software has following features like. First an admin needs to sign in to use this program, Id password has been allotted to them. It is used by librarian to manage the library using a computerized system where he/she can record various transactions. This software is designed to manage all the data at one platform like an admin can store all the information in this, related to issuing books to the students. Library management system project is software which is developed in java netbeans and mysql.

Java project library management system